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How To File A VA Claim For Hearing Loss?

If you are a Veteran suffering from hearing loss, you may be eligible for VA reimbursement. The process of filing a claim may be intimidating, but our guide will walk you through every step required to receive the benefits you deserve.

If you are looking to file for a VA claim due to hearing loss, please fill out VA Form 21-526EZ. When you have a VA.gov account and are signed in, VA can prefill some of your applications based on the information they have in your account. You can save your application and finish it at a later date.

We will provide all the information you need to know about filing a VA claim for hearing loss. Keep reading to learn more!

How Much Hearing Loss Do You Need for VA Disability?

The VA Schedule of Ratings Disabilities depicts that hearing loss—mild or moderate—can be from 0% to 10%. If the hearing loss is significant, it might range between 30% and 50%. Tinnitus is given a rating of 10%, regardless of whether it affects one ear or both. If you are filing for hearing loss, you must use VA Form 21-526EZ.

If your military service causes your hearing loss, you may be eligible for disability pay and other benefits. The first step is to make a claim with Veterans Affairs. You can do this online through VA.gov or visit your nearest VA regional office. When you have a VA.gov account and are signed in, the VA can prefill some of your applications based on the information they have in your account.

You can save your application and finish it at a later date. After clicking the button below to start your disability application, you will have filed. This will set a tentative date for when you could start receiving benefits. From the date you submit your intent to file, you have 365 days to complete your application.

What is the Average VA Compensation for Hearing Loss?


How Do I Prove Hearing Loss for VA Disability?

If you want to get VA disability benefits for your hearing loss, you’ll need to show the VA that it was caused by your time in service. You must be able to establish three things to gain service connection for hearing loss: a current diagnosis of hearing loss, an event during your service that could’ve caused or contributed to the hearing loss, and medical documentation linking the in-service event to your current condition. 

There are two options for obtaining a service connection for hearing loss. The first is direct service connection, which requires that you show a link between your hearing loss and your time in service. The second is presumptive service connection, which applies to certain conditions that are presumed to be caused by service. For example, for hearing loss, the VA presumes that if you served in the Gulf War or Vietnam between January 9, 1962, and May 7, 1975, and have been diagnosed with hearing loss, then your condition is related to your time in service.

The first step to getting government disability benefits for hearing loss is demonstrating your qualifying condition. Unfortunately, the Veterans Administration is very selective about the types of hearing loss diagnoses it will accept. 

The second prerequisite for collecting hearing loss benefits is to provide proof of an in-service occurrence that may have triggered or led to your disability. Some of the most common circumstances which lead to hearing problems among those in service include combat, exposure to artillery or small arms fire, and certain MOS that involve working on vehicles like aircraft.

Obtaining medical documentation from a physician is the third requirement for service connection of hearing loss. This paper should clearly link your in-service event to your current situation. The VA will not grant benefits without this type of medical evidence.

If you have any questions about how to file a claim for VA disability benefits due to hearing loss, or if you need help getting the documentation required, an experienced Veterans disability lawyer can assist you.

What Are the Chances of Getting Hearing Loss VA Disability?

The likelihood of getting VA disability for hearing loss depends on many factors, including the severity of your hearing loss and whether you can prove that it is service-connected. In general, however, claims for hearing loss are approved at a higher rate than other types of disabilities.

According to the most recent data, over 73% of all claims for hearing loss are approved. This acceptance rate is significantly higher than the national average for all forms of disability, which is approximately 50%. The high approval rate for hearing loss claims is likely because it is relatively easy to obtain medical evidence to support a claim, and there is a presumption of

To determine the severity of your hearing loss, the VA will consider things like the type and degree of hearing loss, how it affects your ability to function in daily life, and whether you use a hearing aid. Tinnitus (ringing in the ears) will be taken into account as well.

How Long Does a Hearing Loss Claim Take?

The amount of time it takes to process a hearing loss claim depends on many factors, including the complexity of the claim and the evidence provided. As a general rule, however, most claims are processed within six months of receipt.

What Does the VA Consider Hearing Loss?

If you claim hearing loss from the VA, your auditory threshold must be at 40 decibels or greater for any of the frequencies 500, 1,000, 2,000 3 000 4 000 Hertz. Or if the auditory thresholds for three out of the six frequencies- 500 1 000 2 000 3 0004 Hertz-are 26 decibels or more information. Furthermore, speech recognition scores will be tested using 94 percent as a limiting factor. Anything lower than that is not passing. If you do not have access to an audiogram, the VA will provide one for you.

How is Hearing Disability Calculated?

The degree of hearing loss and whether the Veteran’s hearing loss is service-connected determine disability payments for hearing loss. VA uses a rating schedule to assign a percentage rating to a particular degree of hearing loss. This rating schedule is based on both the American Medical Association’s (AMA) guide for disabilities and VA’s regulations. A higher rating means a greater compensation payment each month. In general, VA awards disability compensation payments for total or partial deafness, depending on whether the Veteran can still understand words spoken in a normal tone or not.

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